Blog | Global Indian International School


Written by Sajid Khan | January 31, 2022


“The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.”                                                                                                         -   “Kobe Bryant”

Positive thinking is focusing on things that have gone well and how you’ve made them happen. Developing a positive mindset is not a one day process but a rather stretch of long term daily efforts and affirmations, positive thoughts or ideas that one consciously focuses on in order to produce a wishful result. Global Indian International School is not only focusing on the academic excellence of a child but is adopting a holistic approach to develop students’ positive mindset.To be able to inculcate positive values and pave the way to the growth of a positive mindset, one has to see numerous factors that are involved in maintaining a positive mindset.

These factors consist of creating an environment that nurtures your children’s beliefs in their abilities; a belief that fosters a “can-do, will-try” attitude in the children. We enumerate them as follows.

Positive Self-Statements or Positive Self-Talk: The first and foremost of these factors is positive self-statements or positive self-talk.

Positive mindset requires positive self-talk. As parents, it’s vital to instill optimism in our children and that comes with affirmation on parts of children i.e. when they are confronted with any unfavorable situation they can say,‘I can handle this’ or ‘I can find a solution rather than withdrawing themselves from it. GIIS values include strengthening the mind as a strong mind prospers the growth of a strong individual. What we do is develop an internal dialogue wherein a student is more likely to persevere and make use of it. In this way, a child’s positive self-statement becomes a positive self-fulfilling prognostication.

Positive Mood:

Any type of mood is generally contagious especially with children. They copy the mood and directly or indirectly internalize it. Let our mood not affect their everyday learning. At GIIS students are encouraged to maintain a positive mood. We plan relationship-building activities and games that encourage positive interactions. For children, to maintain a positive mindset they first need to feel cheerful and overwhelmed with little things they do. Reading a book, cuddling a pet, gardening, or just a walk and talk would prove handy if you are feeling stressed or off color. It’s natural for parents to not be in a cheerful mood all the time, so they can use those moments as opportunities to be productive problem solvers. This would not only relieve you as parents but encourage your child to handle challenging situations proactively.

Encourage Independence:

The love, care and overwhelming inclination to providing everything in plates to our children may result in yielding negative outcomes. Let our children do things by themselves. Leave the children alone, but give them guidance to help them find their own path. For children to perform a task independently comes from the experiences at home.

Let them:

  •         Make mistakes
  •         Stumble up while performing a task
  •         Repeat the process

We maintain professionalism at GIIS and don’t jump to the conclusion while the students perform a task. The moment we jump in and do their task or make it easier for them, we curtail the process of growth and ultimately hinder their creativity. That’s why it’s imperative to let them be what they are up to and hence we foster independence in them.

Constructive Tools: 

Parents are the child’s first teachers and role models even though we are entangled in the era of the internet and all kinds of media influence. It’s of vital significance to realize that the mechanics of good manners can be learned at any age, but the earlier in childhood the process begins, the more natural mannerly behavior becomes so, well-mannered individuals generally share similar characteristics and values, including:

  •         Consideration for others,
  •         Self-confidence,
  •         Common sense,
  •         Respect,
  •         And flexibility.

GIIS believes that teaching proper etiquette not only produces humbled children, but it also yields in creating compassionate, empathetic, and thoughtful adults.

Focus On Their Strengths Rather Than On Their Weaknesses:

A more positive self-image and greater self-awareness and confidence are vital ingredients to maintain a positive mindset among children. To achieve this goal we must appreciate the little accomplishments they may come with. Global Indian International School encourages constructive feedback that’s based on students’ progress not what they have achieved. A tap on their back, a few words of encouragement would definitely pave the way to achieving something bigger. Criticism at a very early age results in belittling the young ones. It makes them feel disliked and can affect them emotionally and socially. For a parent, it’s extremely important to convert the child’s weakness into strength buy being involved in their growth process i.e.:

  •         Asking them to write about the innate qualities they possess or make a list that describes what they are good at; that can be dancing or reading or anything of their choice.
  •         Place in several different locations throughout the house, such as on the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror, or above their beds.
  •         After reviewing the list, they may internalize the ideas and gradually adopt the “I-can” attitude as it would remind them of their capabilities.

By doing so, we focus on their strengths and don’t even point out their weaknesses. 


Give them Time:

Let us not be so self-centered or indulged in our lives that we forget what our children are up to. Children who are spending more quality time with their families are more likely to be physically and mentally healthy.

Spending time with children help:

  •         To evolve positive behavior
  •         Strengthen family bond
  •         Enhances communication
  •         Build self esteem
  •         Avoid bad company

The most astonishing thing about positivity is that it doesn’t just affect one aspect of a child’s life. It affects them holistically. Depending on one’s personality and upbringing, one may not believe that their happiness matters. The happier you are, the more you lean into the best version of yourself. This creates a ripple effect—when a child is filled with joy and peace, he or she becomes a better student, a better friend, and a better human being. It’s all in our hands on how we shape them; it all starts with us.