Global Indian International School Blog

    Global Montessori Plus Programme

    How does GIIS offer a happy learning environment?

    Melissa Maria
    February 26, 2020

    Albert Schweitzer, the philosopher and writer said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

    We at GIIS believe that a happy school environment leads to better learning outcomes and high success rate among students. Experts say that happiness in students trigger motivation and drive and the zeal to succeed.

    Happiness in students is triggered by a number of factors that they come across in their day-to-day school life. It can be as basic as the classroom environment or as precise as his or her interaction with the teacher.

    As educators it our role to ensure that the students are happy and content, so that they can focus on learning with an open and stable mind and imbibe the knowledge without any inhibitions.

    How does GIIS create a happy learning environment?

    • Conducive physical environment – through vibrant colours, child-friendly classrooms, fun-spots and ample of space to enjoy free-time, the campus is designed to evoke happiness among students of all ages. The campus has some great spots like nest area, mist area, friendship bridge, collaborative corners like learning commons and students lounge, a sprawling cafeteria, library with comfortable seating. These thoughtfully designed spaces keep the students actively engaged and create a pleasant environment in the school. There is a good balance of recreation and studies that helps students to develop better concentration.
    • Wide-range of activities -  Research shows that school is a happy place for learners if it has a range of activities to engage the students and make them feel empowered. At GIIS, we provide a plethora of learning experiences through which students learn new skills and acquire a confident personality. By proving their mettle in fields beyond academics, the students feel appreciated and encouraged and feel happy. 
    • Friendly teachers – teachers have a deep influence on students. None of us can forget specific instances from our childhood when we were either praised or rebuked by our teachers. At GIIS, the teachers go through a rigorous selection process to ensure that they identify with our belief of nurturing happiness and positivity among students. Through constructive feedback, working on students’ individual strengths and weaknesses, fun-learning environment and a personal connect with each and every student, the teachers at GIIS strive to create a happy environment for the students.


    • Flexibility to choose curricula – at GIIS, we offer different learning paths to the students and allow them to choose the one that aligns to their learning style. For example, the primary grade students can choose between CBSE or IB Primary Years Programme, both of which have different approaches to teaching and learning. While one has a teacher-centric approach, the other is entirely student-centric. Such flexibilities make the learning process easier and more adaptable for the students so that they don’t feel pressurised to learn and enjoy the process.GIIS not only provides a happy ambience to students but goes a step further by measuring the happiness among its student community so as to validate whether the steps being taken for nurturing students’ happiness are actually effective or not.
    • Fun-learning environment – GIIS makes the whole learning process an enjoyable experience through fun-ways of teaching. This is more applicable to the students of primary grades who easily get bored and fidgety. A few ways through which the teacher makes the lessons enjoyable are – hands-on activities, use of audio visual material, storytelling, merging two classrooms, conducting classes in different locations like nest area and learning commons. For senior grade students, use of technology in learning is a big way to keep them engaged. Facilities like Virtual Classrooms bring enthusiasm to a modern day classroom and makes the digital natives more involved.

    GIIS Classrooms 81

    Apart from taking steps to create a happy atmosphere for the students, GIIS goes a step further and also maintains a happiness index of its student. The happiness index is measured and maintained by our able Global Centre for Educational Excellence that continuously strives to improve the processes and raise the quality of our educational offerings.

    School life is the best life and GIIS takes a number of meaningful initiatives to ensure that our students have a great memory of their school life. At the same time, by creating a happy universe for the students we drive them towards achieving success and academic excellence. The same is reflected in the great scores achieved by our students in decisive exams like CBSE and IBDP.


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