It has been noticed that a wide range of school and college students are sleep deprived, and most often are not getting enough sleep. And moreover this cycle in a way becomes a habit for the child and leads to problems with regards to their sleep, learning ability and their memory suffers too, which also in coming years could lead to many health...
May 28, 2021
A 21st-century education is one that responds to the fast-paced economic, technological and attitudinal shifts happening in society. This framework readies students to succeed in a world where more than half the jobs of the future don't even exist yet.
May 19, 2021
Earlier this month, my colleague made an interesting observation. Play, she said, is not just for primary students to use as a learning tool. Older students can also learn a lot from ‘play’. She used the example of Maker’s Space-a modern-day studio that is equipped with safe materials to allow students to construct, create and innovate. I have...