Global Montessori Plus (GMP) the early year program at GIIS, is an amalgamation of the best International practices that include EYFS, with elements of the philosophy and practices of Maria Montessori alongside CBSE. Children develop at their own pace and each child’s development is closely monitored and the curriculum is applied accordingly.
A central idea of Montessori education is that children have within them the power they need to develop. Taking this forward, it is a universal understanding that it is through the child's interaction with his environment that this self-construction takes place. It is the child that needs to be active in his dynamic experience with the world around him. The task we set ourselves as educators is to provide children with an environment carefully prepared to meet their particular developmental needs and, through careful observation, to connect them with that environment, so that they can build themselves through their own activity.
Montessori environment takes these principles to their natural conclusion. The child enters an environment, which both in its contents and functioning is designed to meet the particular physical, mental and spiritual needs of children. Within this space there are very few limits to the child's freedom and decision-making. A child is shown a variety of activities, is free to choose what to do, and for how long. Through detailed observations of his choice and use of activities, further individual lessons are offered, giving him an increasing range of materials to explore. Children are free to use an activity until they decide to put it away. They are free to choose when to be active, when to rest and watch, when to look at a book, to go outside, to have a drink or prepare some snack. When a child is choosing freely within an environment carefully prepared to support his independence, it is relatively easy to observe his real interests unfolding – those that are driven by developmental urges - and to support and follow these.

The parallels between the Montessori approach and some of the main themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) are clear and which we endorse enthusiastically. The EYFS theme of 'A Unique Child' is based on the principle that 'Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured'. Similarly the EYFS makes the provision of 'Enabling Environments' where the child learn and develop well. The emphasis placed on 'active learning' and 'learning through experience' where the child learns in different ways and at different rates within the theme of 'Learning and Development' is again very much in line with Montessori practice.
Our curriculum has proved to be favored by many and we maintain the highest standards throughout a child's time at GIIS. We are proud to follow a more structured ethos which we have developed to ensure a happy medium between teaching the children both academically and holistically in preparation for their future.
A planner is devised incorporating the Montessori activities, which details the children’s learning objectives alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage plans. Planning is done for the possible lines of development – based on experiences and opportunities, learning, environment, resources, routine and teacher’s role.
Each child has their own planner for their individual needs and this is reviewed throughout the term. The planner is taken from observations and each child's interests and accordingly assessments are done. Finally, all the observations about the child’s development are documented in their own Learning Journey.
Kindergarten Teacher