Having the ability to speak multiple languages is an asset in the workplace and the community. Fluency in two or more languages expands one's career opportunities, especially in fields such as government and technology. Bilingual employees are in a prime position to accept assignments that require international travel or communicating with...
Rajeev Katyal, Country Director, Singapore

Much is being talked about imparting 21st century skills to students in today’s school in order to enhance critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills. Futuristic schools are paying attention to these areas and are incorporating necessary elements in their teaching process.
Designed for 21st-century learning, the Global Indian International School (GIIS) SMART Campus in Punggol is built around an innovative “nest” concept that creates a safe and nurturing environment while allowing ample natural light and air to flow freely through all interior spaces. The structures on the SMART Campus also stress the importance...
At Global Indian International School (GIIS) in Singapore, we understand that to be successful in today's diverse society, students need more than the traditional classroom experience. In addition to a solid foundation in mathematics, science and the humanities, we emphasise effective collaboration, healthy communication and core values.
Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew, India’s most popular president
The benefits of community service are numerous, and research suggests that it truly is great to give help, as well as receive it. At every GIIS campus, our 9 GEMS™ model integrates opportunities for our students to give back to the community, and encourages students to develop their own unique sense of what it means to act upon their values and...
Helping someone, or some community, in need can be a powerful and yet humbling feeling. And research suggests that only does serving others make us feel good, it makes our whole communities better, too.
It’s no accident then, that a commitment to community service is built right into our holistic 9 GEMS™ model at all GIIS campuses. We provide...
In our previous blog post, “The Entrepreneur Imperative, Part I” we covered why entrepreneurship is so important. But is it something you have to be born with, or is it something you can learn? We resoundingly come down on the “learn” side of the argument. Which begs the question: How do we do it? Here’s a closer look.
At GIIS we believe that entrepreneurs are essential to the future. And because we are dedicated to training the next generation of global thinkers, it follows that cultivating the spirit of innovation -- along with the skills which support entrepreneurship -- among our students is a mission-critical endeavor.