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    Schools offering Bilingual Programme are 21st century schools

    For the last decade or so, those searching for their dream job emphasised their technical literacy on their resumes. They declared themselves proficient in all of the latest software platforms and provided examples of how they were able to successfully engage a steady following on social media.

    For the upcoming 21st century generation, the technical skills will be considered something that is not unique but common to all job seekers. Rather, what will be considered unique and value adding will be their language skills. Yes, knowing more than one language or being bilingual is going to be the next big thing in the coming few years.

    Bilingualism will be a distinctive skill throughout the 21st century, as professionals across all industries begin to work in a globally-connected economy.

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    Students today who are only studying one language will be at the disadvantage. It is important for the youngest learners to begin studying the concept of language and practising a new language by reading, writing and speaking in it. This generation of students will need to become culturally aware. They will need to be able to respect people of all cultures and identities, and they will need to collaborate with people from all over the world.

    Thus, schools offering Bilingual Programme have already started topping the charts and students aspiring to be futuristic and 21st century ready will definitely opt to go bilingual.

    4 Reasons Why schools offering Bilingual Programme will lead the way:

    • Bilingualism is going to be the primary skill to highlight on a resume as the 21st century progresses.
      The skill is going to be the most noticed thing on a candidate’s resume for nearly every profession. Whether it is for hiring communications professionals and marketing experts or those who want specialists in the domain of service, employers will choose candidates who can communicate with their customers and clients in more than one languages. The bilingual candidates will vie for the most lucrative and rewarding positions, such as those that offer a high salary or the potential for significant improvement over the course of a career.
    • Bilingualism will help today’s student find the best global roles in the job market tomorrow.
      Students who are enrolled in primary school are likely not thinking about the value that they can offer to a major corporation after graduation. However, students who begin developing their 21st-century skills as soon as possible during their educational journey are much more likely to be considered a valuable addition to any type of organisation. A candidate who can speak two or more languages is going to be considered a more valuable hire, as the company is going to be able to utilise their skills in many innovative ways.
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    • Bilingualism in school will help students become more creative and innovative.
      Education experts have written extensively on the role of bilingualism in helping individuals think creatively and critically. Bilingualism will fuel innovation and creativity. Students who are bilingual are more likely to come up with a solution that will work for the entire group or organisation. They are more likely to connect with people from around the globe, who can work together to create innovative plans to move forward.
    • Bilingualism will eliminate the barriers that have traditionally been part of the collaboration process. Collaboration, which is one of the key skills of 21st century, will take a leap with the help of bilingualism. Social media has ushered the world into a new era, one in which everyone — regardless of race, nationality, gender or religion — stays connected. Those who are bilingual are going to be able to collaborate better than monolingual individuals. They will be able to work with a diverse group of people, and communicate with others in a way that helps them feel comfortable and confident. Those who are bilingual will be able to prevent information from getting lost in translation, and they will be able to eliminate the potential for misunderstanding and frustration.

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    Global Indian International School has long been known for having a rigorous curriculum programme that emphasises skill-building. Our goal is to equip our students with the 21st-century skills that they will need to succeed in an ever-changing and ever-connected global economy.

    Starting August 2020, the school will commence Bilingual classes for Grades 1 to 5. It will be one of the few schools offering Bilingual Programme in Singapore and will open new avenues for its students by helping them master Chinese and English at the same level.

    To know more about the Bilingual Programme, visit the bilingual page on our website.

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