Global Indian International School Blog

    Innovation is just the start, Entrepreneurship is only the beginning

    March 29, 2018

    Out of the box thinking is what Innovation is all about. And turning that innovation into product of repute is Entrepreneurship. For example, a student can have a brilliant idea of building a helmet that can record thoughts, but selling this idea into a practical product will require a different talent altogether.

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    GIIS Scholarship Programme - Opening Doors to Success

    March 23, 2018

    The word 'scholarship' holds tremendous weight in education parlance.

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    Can big data win you a game of Basketball?

    March 15, 2018

    The best way to improve academic performance is through studies and revisions. Students usually spend more time on their weak areas, review the material and revise their methods to improve their performance. Over time, the results are bound to be positive.

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    A five step approach to NextGen learning

    March 15, 2018

    Remember the time when schools were standard size classrooms with wooden furniture, basic facilities, a single teacher and textbook-heavy learning? Education, back then, was designed to meet the needs of the time to arm children to face their future.

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    5 Tips for nurturing an emotionally intelligent child

    November 2, 2017

    GIIS schools are committed to nurturing children who are not only academically intelligent, but also emotionally intelligent. Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to a set of skills that people can develop in regards to their ability to be self-aware of their emotions, to regulate their emotions, and to translate their emotions into thoughts and...

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    How GIIS cultivates a spirit of winning

    November 2, 2017

    At GIIS, we work to provide our students with an educational platform that sets them up for success. We define success as more than just good academic grades. We want our students to develop the life skills and fortitude to succeed in life. As such, we have redefined what it means to "win," so our students find success, satisfaction and...

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    Creating future-ready student

    November 2, 2017

    A growing number of people are opting to become “lifelong learners,” developing skills and exploring new areas of study far beyond their college degree. At GIIS, we believe that lifelong learning is invaluable, and we strive to develop our students into lifelong learners by weaving education into everything we do. Here's a closer look at what...

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    Community Care at GIIS

    November 1, 2017

    In this series of articles, we aim to discuss GIIS pedagogy, 9GEM and to share with you with some examples on how GIIS has ingrained each GEM into the students life across all  campuses, worldwide.The 8th GEM is Community Care.

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    Universal Values and Ethics at GIIS

    November 1, 2017

    In this series of articles, we aim to discuss GIIS pedagogy, 9GEM and to share with you with some examples on how GIIS has ingrained each GEM into the students life across all  campuses, worldwide.The 7th GEM is Universal Values and Ethics.

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    Entrepreneurship and Leadership at GIIS

    November 1, 2017

    In this series of articles, we aim to discuss GIIS pedagogy, 9GEM and to share with you with some examples on how GIIS has ingrained each GEM into the students life across all  campuses, worldwide.The 6th GEM is Entrepreneurship and Leadership.

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