Global Indian International School Blog

    Education in Singapore: What Should Expat Parents Look For?

    December 18, 2018
    If you're relocating to Singapore and wondering how to provide the best education for your child, it's important to consider not just a school's fee structure but also what programme is available. When selecting the right educational setting for your children at the best price, it's helpful to know the varying factors involved.
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    Embracing the Art of Communication - What Is it and How Is It Taught?

    December 8, 2018

    For their future success, today's students need to know how to communicate, yet many are graduating without this critical skill. At GIIS, we aim to help our students graduate with all of the skills they need for success, including communication skills. We've already discussed why communication skills are critical, so here is a closer look at...

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    Building a Strong Foundation with Value-based Primary Education

    December 1, 2018

    Children entering their primary years are faced with a critical moment; not only are they approaching the time when academic success becomes fundamental, but they are also just beginning to discover who they are and who they want to become.

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    How a 'plus' in Montessori programme makes a big difference

    November 28, 2018

    Dr Maria Montessori famously said: 

     “The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”

    At Global Indian International School (GIIS), we have embraced this philosophy whole-heartedly even while designing a unique pedagogy which combines focal points of the esteemed Montessori curriculum with...

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    You thought Medicine is the only career for students of Biology?

    November 24, 2018

    Person 1: Oh, you took Biology in your 12th? Then you should take medicine.

    Person 2: If you are a student of Biology, then medicine is the only course you can opt for.

    Person 3: Don’t you know Biology and Medicine are synonymous?

    Person 4: You cease to exist if you are not a doctor.

    Many parents have been associating the stream of Biology...

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    Why do adolescents keep secrets from parents?

    November 11, 2018

    Imagine this: An 8-year old child is alone at home, and wants to spend time drawing. While rummaging through the drawers to find a pencil, the child finds a S$10 note. After a quick look around to ensure no one is watching, the child smoothly picks up the note, pockets it and gets back to routine.

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    Why Communication Skills are important for Academic Success

    November 2, 2018

    Communication is complex and takes many forms. Students who master the subtleties of oral communication and non-verbal cues are better-prepared to articulate their ideas, show empathy toward others and constructively resolve a conflict. Compared to those who struggle to express themselves, effective communicators are more likely to succeed and to...

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    Embracing the Art of Communication - The Need for Communication Skills

    October 28, 2018

    In a technology-driven society, opportunity is literally at our fingertips. Today's students are presented with endless opportunities to discover the world around them, with nothing more than a smartphone. Yet according to Forbes, many young graduates enter the workforce lacking some of the most basic life skills they will need to find...

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    Smoothen the Transition of your child from India to Singapore

    October 23, 2018

    As adults, we know the benefits of living cross-culturally. Young people especially gain a global worldview, valuable language skills and the ability to create bridges between cultures.  In fact, 44% of children who grow up in cross-cultural settings earn a graduate degree by age 22, and most of them work in highly skilled professions such as...

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    Inspiration Behind the GIIS SMART Campus at Punggol

    October 4, 2018

     In 2015, top teachers from GIIS Singapore were tapped to help provide input on how their dream school would appear. Ideas were discussed, solutions proposed and innovative approaches brought to the table. Architects from around the globe, including Australia, Japan, New York and Singapore, were then retained to bring those ideas to life. The...

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